Jan Jenicek

I'm a  

About Me

Passionate about programming since 13. Built many exciting projects, led teams, and became experienced in several languages and technologies.

I’m also passionate about marketing, psychology, and business administration.

I aspire to get a master’s degree at the FIT CTU university. Currently studying Software Engineering at MSOE as an exchange student.

Technologies I have worked with:
  • React, Redux
  • TypeScript, JavaScript
  • Next.js
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Google Firebase
  • SQL, NoSQL
  • UI, UX

Work Experience

Frontend Vue developer
Worked in the software development company as part of school projects for one year as a front-end Vue developer.
Full stack developer
since 2019
Managed a team of 3 people to build and release an international language learning app.
Full stack developer
since 2018
Worked with over 4 companies. Developed, maintained, and marketed their websites.


React Next.js TypeScript Node.js
International language learning web application focused on learning effectiveness and user experience.
React TypeScript Java Spring
Web application for advanced contact management with relationship modeling.
UX Project
UX UI Figma
UX Project
Design of an application to help students join clubs and events.


⛰ Mountaineering
One of my favorite activities is to grab my bag and go on an adventure in the mountains. The rush of adrenaline and the beautiful views are always so rewarding.
🏐 Volleyball
I love sports and exercise. It allows me to decompress after school and have fun with my friends. I'm also fascinated by how the human body works and what it's capable of.
🎹 Playing piano
While this hobby is not appreciated by my sister, who heard every piece at least 1000 times, I love playing piano. From calm, peaceful music to insanely difficult pieces from various composers.


Phone: +1 123 4567 8909